Contestants should know 
that never one is completely right 
and the other one completely wrong'. 

(Kurt Tucholsky) 


'If you want to be valid, you have to accept others'.
(J. W. von Goethe) 




Areas of application:

  • Internal mediation as well as inter-company mediation
  • Achieving a common agreement meeting the common needs and requirements with the assistance of a third party (the mediator)
  • the mediator does not make its own decisions regarding the conflict, 
  • but is only responsible for the mediation-process.

Voluntary  - all parties including the mediator can cancel the mediation at any time.

  - the mediator does not comment on the procedural content outside the mediation.

Open-mindedness - mediation is not possible if the result is already fixed at the beginningAll parties to the conflict must go into mediation with a certain willingness  to negotiate. This also includes the basic ability to negotiate and conclude the involved parties, an aspect which is particularly relevant in the case of extensive procedures in the economy.

Impartiality - the mediator conducts the mediation in an all-party manner; stands on the side of each participant. This attitude goes far beyond simple neutrality. The mediator's content neutrality does not extend to his position face to face the conflicting parties. By doing this e.g. temporarily acting as the supporter of the weaker party, he compensates for any possible power gap between the parties.

internal link: 

Stages of Mediation

